The well–rounded online analytics reports inside your Site Control Panel will enable you to observe pretty much all actions on your web–sites. You’ll get actual time details about the stress generated in your hosting account as well as the site traffic they get on a per–hour, per–week and monthly basis. You’ll also find more information regarding our system in general including the physical IP address, the Operating System, the variations of PHP and MySQL and many others. All the information is categorized in sections for you to easily find it.

Server Data

Look into information about your web server

If you need to check what’s the existing release of PHP or MySQL or even the Operating System on the server where your hosting account is situated, simply go to the Server Information and facts section of your Site Control Panel. There you can also get information on the setup Perl modules, the incoming and outbound email servers, in addition to the real IP address your server.

You can find the hosting server info table inside the Statistics part of the BiffCo Hosting Site Control Panel.

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Access & Error Logs

Get info about your sites’ overall performance

Utilizing the info generated in the Access and Error Reports section of your Site Control Panel, you can easily find any possible issues with the efficiency of your websites. The access stats will show you all sorts of files like texts, photos and video clips that have been examined by your website visitors as the error logs will record any kind of cautions and issues that have taken place throughout their stay on your website.

You can open the access and error report data for each of your active sites from the Online Statistics Manager section of your Site Control Panel.

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Traffic Statistics

The simplest way to keep track of website visitors’ volumes

When you operate a successful site, it is imperative that you understand a lot about website visitors – just how many unique visitors your website draws, exactly how many website visitors go back to your website, which key phrases visitors have used to find your site, etcetera. Within the Online Statistics Manager section of your Site Control Panel, you’ll notice two traffic stats tools – Webalizer and Awstats that will help you obtain the information you’ll need.

The instruments demand no setup. After your web site is on the web, they’ll begin obtaining details with no effort required from you.

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CPU Statistics

Track your web sites’ CPU load

The server’s CPU is vital for the interaction between your website and its site visitors. The more complex and resource–absorbing your websites are, the more server resources and CPU time will be needed for them to operate.

Within the CPU statistics part of the Site Control Panel, you’ll be able to monitor the employment of CPU power produced by each of your websites. This can allow you to consider timely procedures and improve your sites in case the CPU utilization quota is reached. You can see thorough CPU statistics for every single day and month as well as for an entire calendar year.

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