Site Control Panel’s 1 Click Framework Installer
A PHP 1 Click Framework Installer that’s really user–friendly

When using the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer integrated in the BiffCo Hosting Site Control Panel, you can quickly get a brand–new PHP framework for your next enterprise. No reason to try to find the most recent release of a framework and furthermore waste time installing it. Everything you should do is solely pick the place of the PHP framework and click on the Install button.
Numerous frameworks accessible
Commence your web projects with a framework
Through the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer built–into the BiffCo Hosting Site Control Panel, it is possible to integrate distinctive PHP frameworks, each one offering a special collection of capabilities and functionalities: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.
Every single PHP framework is modified to the present stable edition and its installment needs absolutely no setup whatsoever.
1–click PHP framework installation
Your PHP framework is only a mouse click away
The PHP 1 Click Framework Installer was designed to run on the same basic principle as our App Installer – using minimal effort required from you and also our system carrying out all of the hard work for you. PHP frameworks are set up with a few clicks with no configuration required on your part. All you need to do is pick the place of the PHP framework. That’s it.
We have a log of the set up PHP frameworks so you can un–install every PHP framework which you don’t want with merely a mouse click.
1–click backup
The fastest way to back up a framework
Every sensible developer is aware that it is crucial to keep a backup of one’s venture to depend on in case of a difficulty. That is why, we, at BiffCo Hosting, incorporated a 1–click backup tool to the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer. This’ll help you to back up your framework and all of the improvements you’ve made, with just a click.
There isn’t any backup limitation. As long as you have available disk space within your account, you can create as many backups as you wish.