Free Dedicated IP

Absolutely free dedicated IP address for your server

We include a totally-free dedicated IP address with the Semi-dedicated 2 plan. A dedicated IP address will help you easily set up an SSL certificate for your website or register your individual name servers that will point to your own IP address.

The dedicated IP address is readily available to use as soon as you get access to your Site Control Panel. Furthermore, if you want supplemental IP addresses, it is easy to get as many as you need at a discount price through the Site Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

24x7 Support

Ask us whatever. We are here for you round the clock.

Just waiting forever to have a reply from the tech support crew might be really aggravating, no matter how trivial your problem is. Because of this, here, at BiffCo Hosting, we give a one hour response time frame warranty, and our qualified professionals frequently answer back in just 20 mins by way of the ticket platform incorporated into the Web App Installer. They are available for you 24/7.

24x7 Support

SSH Access

Completely free SSH access for your machine

To let you interact straight with your server, without the need to work with the Site Control Panel, we incorporate SSH access rights with your semi-dedicated plan. With this capability, you will be able to quickly interact with your files, databases and domain names using your console. However, since you will share the machine with some other users, there will be no way to change the server’s configuration.

SSH access privileges are included as an addon service with the smaller package, and as a zero cost extra with the bigger bundle.

SSH Access

Remote MySQL Access

Communicate with your data bases from distance

Commonly, a data base may only be accessed by web pages that were made in the same exact account as the database. However with our Remote MySQL attribute, you can easily enable data base access to any other host of your choice. This could be invaluable if you have numerous e–commerce stores and would like to share a purchaser data base between all of them

Remote MySQL Access

SSD Drives

SSD–based semi-dedicated servers

All of our semi-dedicated plans feature SSD drives as an alternative to usual hard disk drives. SSD drives have better reading/writing transfers, so that your Internet site will open up more rapidly. No additional web page modifications are expected.

Considering the terrific connectivity options provided by our US located data center your website will start functioning faster the minute you host it with BiffCo Hosting.

SSD Drives

Site Control Panel

Website management made rather simple and user–friendly

Our user–friendly Web App Installer makes simpler website control and positions it close at hand. You may easily upload information with simple drag–and–drop actions, take care of all the settings of your domains and websites from one area, register and relocate a number of domains, make and control numerous mail accounts, launch subscriber list activities, set up MySQL databases, buy SSL Certificates to safeguard all of your customers, etcetera. In–depth data will keep you updated on all visitors and actions on your sites.

Site Control Panel

  • Service guarantees

  • All of our semi-dedicated plans are installed for you free–of–charge. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access privileges. Free Control Panel included.
  • Compare our prices

  • Assess the semi-dedicated plans and see which setup will provide you with the assets and capabilities you’ll need to deal with your fast growing sites.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Get in touch with us at any time by email or through BiffCo Hosting’s extra–fast ticketing platform. We’ll reply within just 60 minutes.