A dedicated IP address is a unique numeric identifier on the world wide web which is given to a device or a website. Shared hosting servers usually have a number of websites under the same IP, while dedicated ones have their own IPs which are not shared with anybody else. Even when you use a typical shared account, however, it's possible to acquire a dedicated IP address that will be used just by your websites - one or a few. Since this can contribute to the speed of thewebsite, it is much more likely that the site will get improved search engine result rankings. Certainly, this isn't the sole factor, but it can help you have more website visitors and prospective clients. The dedicated IP is also needed when you want to encode the information exchanged between a website and its visitors through an SSL certificate.
Dedicated IP Address in Cloud Hosting
When you use a cloud hosting account on our cloud platform, you are able to get a dedicated IP address and assign it to any domain or subdomain with just a few clicks no matter where your account is - in the US, Great Britain or Australia. This can be done from the Hosted Domains section of the intuitive and user-friendly Hepsia Control Panel where you may also monitor what IPs are available, what are in use and what sites they're allotted to. In case you wish to use an SSL certificate in order to secure the info of your visitors and you obtain it through our company, our system can assign a dedicated IP and install the SSL for you, so you will not have to do anything manually on your end. Meanwhile, you can still have a site in a subdomain as an add-on to the main one under a shared IP address - a message board where users can share thoughts and opinions about your services, for example.
Dedicated IP Address in Semi-dedicated Servers
With just a few clicks inside your Hepsia Control Panel, you'll be able to add one or a variety of dedicated IP addresses to your semi-dedicated plan and assign them to your sites. The Hosted Domains section of Hepsia will help you see the available IPs and to check those which are in use in no time. In case you want to get a new IP for an SSL certificate, you will be able to use the auto-configuration function, that's available in our SSL order wizard. When you activate this feature, you will not have to do anything after you post your order since our system will request a dedicated IP, assign it to the domain or subdomain involved, and then set up the SSL certificate - all of this automatically and without any action on your end. That way, you will be able to protect the details that visitors post on your website even if you do not have any previous experience with this kind of matters.
Dedicated IP Address in VPS Servers
If you buy a VPS server from our company, you'll be given a dedicated IP address by default and an additional one when you obtain a web hosting Control Panel (Hepsia, cPanel, DirectAdmin). You are able to use the IPs for any purpose - an Internet site, some web application such as a VOIP server, even for private name servers that you can use to point to your VPS any domain that you want to host. You can also add more dedicated IPs to your VPS account any time you need them. This can be done through the billing Control Panel that you'll acquire to take care of renewals, upgrade purchases and domain registrations and it will take no more than a few clicks. Soon after you upload your order, the extra IP addresses will be at your disposal, so you'll be able to use them as you see fit.
Dedicated IP Address in Dedicated Servers
All the Linux dedicated web hosting plans that we supply feature three dedicated IP addresses as standard and for free. You will be able to use them for any purpose according to the content that you've got on the server - a game server or a Voice-Over-IP application, an SSL certificate for a website that you host, private name servers for a reseller domain which your customers can use to direct domains to their web hosting accounts, and many more. You will also be able to get additional dedicated IPs through the Upgrades part of your billing Control Panel if you need more than the ones which come with your server. You're able to buy the IPs in sets of three and they'll be added to your dedicated server right after you send your order, so that you can use them without any delays.